Elie Dolgin, PHD, Science Journalist
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Nature Medicine

Evolutionary modeling suggests an alternative treatment schedule for brain cancer.
By Elie Dolgin May 7, 2014
Patients have long received cancer treatments at the maximum tolerated dose on a regular schedule. Could a more sophisticated approach save lives?
A white lab mouse in the hands of a lab worker wearing white rubber gloves
By Elie Dolgin November 7, 2011
The most common genetic killer of infants, a disease known as spinal muscular atrophy, is caused by mutations in a single gene. The human genome contains its own backup system — near-identical copies of the defective gene — yet these secondary sequences rarely get used correctly.
A cigar-shaped plastic tube was seeded with bone marrow cells to create an engineered blood vessel.
By Elie Dolgin September 7, 2011
More than a decade after Japanese scientists implanted the first bioengineered blood vessel into a child with a congenital heart defect, the experimental treatment has finally made its way into clinical testing in the United States.
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